
DDT “SAITAMA SLAM! VOL. 4”, 06/09/2015
Saitama Kasukabe Hall
320 Fans – Super No Vacancy

0. King Of Dark Title: Hiroshi Fukuda defeated Gota Ihashi (c) with a Reverse Cross Armbreaker (0:30).
*D10 for Gota Ihashi.
0. King Of Dark Title: Dai Suzuki defeated Gota Ihashi (c) by Pinfall when Ihashi missed a Moonsault (1:07).
*D11 for Gota Ihashi.
1. KUDO & Kota Umeda defeated Makoto Oishi & Shunma Katsumata when KUDO pinned Katsumata with the Diving Double Knee Drop (7:31).
2. Tomomitsu Matsunaga, Kouki Iwasaki & Saki Akai defeated Sanshiro Takagi, Toru Owashi & Kazuki Hirata when Akai pinned Hirata with the Rookie Award (9:23).
3. Keisuke Ishii & Soma Takao defeated Kazusada Higuchi & Suguru Miyatake when Ishii pinned Miyatake with the Kneel Kick (11:15).
4. Yasu Urano defeated Antonio Honda with a Backslide Pin (13:38).
5. Shigehiro Irie defeated Danshoku Dino with a Spear (8:50).
6. 4 Way Tag Team Survival Match: Konosuke Takeshita & Tetsuya Endo defeated Yukio Sakaguchi & Masa Takanashi, Kota Ibushi & Daisuke Sasaki and HARASHIMA & Akito (17:41).
6a. Kota Ibushi & Daisuke Sasaki eliminated HARASHIMA & Akito when Sasaki pinned Akito with the Sasaki Hurricanrana (10:35).
6b. Kota Ibushi & Daisuke Sasaki eliminated Yukio Sakaguchi & Masa Takanashi when Sasaki pinned Sakaguchi with the Vietnam Driver II (14:49).
6c. Konosuke Takeshita & Tetsuya Endo eliminated Kota Ibushi & Daisuke Sasaki when Endo pinned Sasaki with the Sky Twister Press (17:41).

Quite a bit happened in the main event. Daisuke Sasaki wrestled in Vietnam for Dick Togo’s New Vietnam Pro Wrestling earlier this week and came back with a new finishing move. The first victim of the Vietnam Driver II was none other than the KO-D Openweight Champion, Yukio Sakaguchi! The Golden☆Storm Riders eliminated two teams but lost the match to their next challengers, Happy Motels.

Danshoku Dino was worried about having to face Shigehiro Irie without any backup. Super Sasadango Machine was not in attendance. Ken Ohka made a surprise appearance and stood in Dino’s corner. He tried to interfere in the match but Speared Dino by accident! Irie hit a Spear of his own and pinned Dino. Team Drift and #OhkaEmpire will have a 6-Man Tag Team Elimination match on 13th September to settle their feud.

Yasu Urano pinned Antonio Honda, earning a DDT Extreme Title shot in the process. Honda decided they will fight in a Four Corners Four Items Death Match. A pole with an item attached will be in every corner of the ring. Honda revealed two of the items: a coal miner’s glove and a bra.

Gota Ihashi kept trying to interfere to help his Pigging 2015 team mates in Match #2. Sanshiro Takagi cut him off with Rider Kicks over and over. However, Ihashi took off his tights, handed them to Saki Akai and told her to smother Kazuki Hirata with them. She did so and it worked! After the match Takagi and Ihashi had to be held apart. A King Of Dark Title match between the two was booked for 27th September.

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